Hey Kidz! Buy This Book / A Radical Primer on Corporate and Governmental Propaganda and Artistic Activism for Short People.

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Tired of being marketed to? Hate commercials, ads, and product placements? Wondering why you see more logos in a day than anything else? Sick of advertisers, big business, and the government thinking they're the boss of you? Well, they're not! You know who's the boss of you? YOU are! But you should buy this book so you can find out why. Hey Kidz! Buy This Book: A Radical Primer to Corporate and Governmental Propaganda and Artistic Activism for Short People is a how-to guide for young adults who have a problem with teh way the world works, but don't yet know how to achieve their goals for world change. Providing a solid introduction to media literacy and easy-to-follow instructions for influencing and creating media of your own, Hey Kidz! emphasizes the importancec of community building, teamwork, historical research, and creative self-expression. Included in the book are sidebars with words of advice and enncouragement from folks as varied as comedian and activist Janeane Garofalo, guerilla postering artist Robbie Conal, Jim Keady from Educating for Justice, and organizations like the Pink Bloque, the Biotic Baking Brigade, and the Native Movement. Directions are also provided for performing basic activist functions such as holding meetings, making salsa, designing posters, hooking up a PA, and having fun while working really hard. Also, it's funny and the illustrations are really cute. Hey Kidz! is the perfect introduction to media studies and political action, no matter who you'd vote for (if only you were old enough to vote!)
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Library | Accession‎ No | Call No | Copy No | Edition | Location | Availability |
QPIRG Concordia | 503 | 1 | Yes |