Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Aching for beauty : footbinding in China
Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, c2000. |
Books |
1 |
American Beauty
New York : Knopf : Distributed by Random House, 1983. |
Books |
1 |
Beauty and misogyny : harmful cultural practices in the West
New York, NY : Routledge, 2005. |
Books |
1 |
Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women
Harper Paperbacks (2018), Edition: Reprint, 400 pages |
Books |
1 |
Disobedient Bodies: Reclaim Your Unruly Beauty
Wellcome Collection |
Books |
1 |
Dont Touch My Hair
Penguin Books Ltd |
Books |
1 |
Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia
NYU Press (2019), Edition: First edition., 296 pages |
Books |
1 |
New York : Linden Press/Simon & Schuster, 1984. |
Books |
1 |
Feminist Review: fashion and beauty
Palgrave Macmillan |
Journals |
1 |
Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America
St. Martin's Griffin (2014), Edition: Second Edition, Revised, 272 pages |
Books |
1 |