Masculine / Feminine: Readings in sexual mythology and the liberation of women

Publication Year
Women's rights |Women—Sexual behavior| Men—Sexual behavior |Women 
The man problem -- Woman de-feminized / Friedrich Nietzsche -- The vampire wife / August Strindberg -- Anatomy is destiny / Sigmund Freud -- Real women / Robert Graves -- Why men need a boys' night out / Lionel Tiger -- Some male allies -- The womanly woman / George Bernard Shaw -- The love rights of women / Havelock Ellis -- Women, servants, mules, and other property / Gunnar Myrdal -- Power corrupts ... / Ronald V. Sampson -- The hard and the soft : the force of feminism in modern times / Theodore Roszak -- Toward liberation -- (1)Between the old feminizm and the new -- Distrust between the sexes / Karen Horney -- The human-not-quite-human / Dorothy Sayers -- Is rape a myth? / Ruth Herschberger -- Women as a minority group / Helen Mayer Hacker -- An androgynous world / Simone de Beauvoir -- (2)The new militancy -- The longest revolution / Juliet Mitchell -- Sex equality : the beginning of ideology / Alice Rossi -- The rise of women's liberation / Marlene Dixon -- Understanding orgasm / Susan Lydon -- Poor Black women / Patricia Robinson and A collective statement / Black Sisters -- Radical women as students / Beverly Jones and Female liberation first, and now / Judith Benninger Brown -- Woman as Nigger / Gayle Rubin -- Goodbye to all that / Robin Morgan -- Rattling the invisible chains : a collection of women's liberation manifestoes -- Sisters, brothers, lovers ... listen ... / Judi Bernstein [and others] -- S.D.S. National Resolution on Women -- The WITCH Manifesto -- Towards a women's revolutionary manifesto / Women's Liberation Collective -- Redstockings manifesto -- The BITCH manifesto / Joreen -- Our politics begin with our feelings / San Francisco Redstockings -- No "chicks," "broads," or "niggers' for Old Mole -- A last word -- The human continuum / Betty Rosnak. 
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