PALS / The Radical Possibilities of Friendship 1

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friends, friendships 
"In this zine I wanna talk about why I think friendships give us a glimpse of a better world. I have all these friends I love so much, and I've been needing to put to words to my feelings about how and why they're so important. Friendships can definitely be abusive, manipulative, boring, and/or reactionary. And I don't think that it's necessary to have friends, or to have a lot of friends to be awesome. Personalities vary, and the introvert who's sufficient unto herself has my full respect. Friendship can also be harder for people who struggle with their mental health, or people who are autistic, for instance. I don't want to suggest that any such person's life is thereby impoverished. What I do want to do is brag a little about my wonderful friends and to talk about how the friend-love I've known, and how its changed me for the better. informed my beliefs about the world and suggested to me new and better ways of being. Warning, pals! this zine briefly mentions 1) sexual assault and 2) the death of a friend." 
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