People's Power / Militant Unions and the Minnehaha Free State

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"The Minnehaha Free State" [Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota homeland] is a community that many people might like to live in.....There is no hunger, no homelessness, no armed police force, no taxes, no government except the consensus of the community. There is no crime to speak of, and community disputes are settled in open meetings. The community is diverse, multicultural and tolerant of human differences. There is one obvious problem: no income....the community relies on the paychecks of people on the outside for its daily survival.....[s]uppose all the people who are working and making donations to the community simply walked off their jobs instead? Suppose we all convinced our co-workers, our friends and neighbors to do the same? Suppose all the students walked out of class and their professors refused to lecture? If every person on the Free State's phone list convnced ten others to join in, several thousand people would go on strike." 
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