DIY Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Wiki (ONLINE RESOURCE)

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So you're looking to start HRT by yourself with no doctor intervention, whether that's because of gate-keeping, long waiting lists, or doctors requiring letters of approval for starting HRT. However, you don't know where to begin, where to acquire your hormones, what to buy, or how much to take. This guide can help point you in the right direction so you can begin HRT as soon as possible.

Please note that this guide will never be perfect and will not guarantee a perfect or even favorable transition. A lot of it relies on genetics, the age at which you begin HRT, keeping your hormone levels in balance, your general health/well-being among many other factors (e.g. mutations, intersex conditions, etc.), any of which can alter the outcome. Please do your own research before considering following any methods presented in this guide and always get your hormone levels checked before and after to ensure you receive the proper care. Although this guide is meant to help you bypass gate-keeping from doctors in order to begin HRT, it is always recommended that you consult a doctor before and after following this guide, as they may be able to predict any negative interactions you may have with the medications due to your medical history. Continue to do your own research beyond what you read here. This guide is designed with MtFs in mind. A more in-depth guide for those requiring FtM and non-binary HRT methods is in the works. 
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