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  Title Copies
Does Your Mama Know? / An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories 
Year: 1997 
Maria pour la suite du monde 
Call No: QPIRG Concordia: ENV ROY 1998 GRAPHIC NOVELS 
Four Minutes to Midnight (Issue 13) 
Call No: QPIRG Concordia: MED FOU 2014 PERIODICALS 
Medicine Stories: Essays for Radicals 
Call No: DIS LEV 2019 
L'art du Striptease 
Year: 2010 
Radical Thoughts on Street Art III 
Call No: Z 1000 RAD 364 
do-it-yourself old-fashioned optical toys 
The Cove 
Year: 2009 
Do Your Own Basic Plumbing and have fun too. 
Kanesataka'ké:ha Tekawenna'thé:tha / Kanesatake Mohawk Dictionary 
Call No: QPIRG Concordia: REF SAT 2014 OVERSIZED